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We pray you've enjoyed the spring season and look forward to a great summer.  It's been an exciting first half of the year!  Please take a few minutes to watch our mid-year ministry update.  God continues demonstrating his faithfulness to us as we pursue businessmen in the Marketplace.

  • Our latest class for Leadership Coach Training has six men from our area and beyond.  This is made possible by 12 volunteers who serve these men as Peer and Observe coaches.
  • "CBMC Leader Connection”, a new event, was well received, with five men interested in a CBMC peer group.
  • The May installment of The Leadership Convene was attended by 20 leaders who heard from our CBMC brothers Ken Bramble and Jim Wayman.  On behalf of our Central Midwest team, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your generous support! Every gift allows us to continue spreading the love of God and fulfilling the mission of presenting Jesus to businessmen and helping to develop and equip them to carry out the Great Commission!

Why is this important?

Businessmen in the marketplace have tremendous influence on the lives of their families, employees, suppliers, clients, and the community. Equipping and developing these men to disciple others is changing families and entire communities!


Pray!  Please pray with us for God to lead men to CBMC, for wisdom for our staff and volunteers, and for the Lord to raise up a leader to join our staff!

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There are men who’ve never experienced the joy and impact of a discipling relationship. 
How might the Lord be calling you to engage?

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Your contribution is much more than financial support – it’s an expression of your faith and commitment to the Gospel. Continue to pray with us for the next leader to join HIS work in CMW. Our Leader Expansion Fund helps resource this new leader and has raised 41% of our $65,000 goal set for June 30th. Please consider how the Lord may invite you to join this effort and grow with us. Let's meet this funding goal together and see this mission move forward - partner HERE.

And we can’t forget…join us for the first CBMC National Men's Conference in 25 years – October 3-5, 2024!

Bring a man you can encourage who desires to grow in his faith and be changed from this experience with YOU and other men of God! This empowering event will explore what a “Man called by GOD” looks like.

Learn more and register HERE for this incredible opportunity.

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| Other Ways to Get Involved |

Don't miss our upcoming events that provide an opportunity for growth, connection, and community. Be encouraged and engage with a network of like-minded business professionals.  Read more and get signed up using the links below. 

:: TUE, AUG 20:  [VIRTUAL] The Leadership Convene - Integration of faith + work

:: WED, AUG 21: [VIRTUAL] Leadership Coach Training - CBMC’s premier leadership resource

:: THUR, AUG 22-24: [IN PERSON] Soul Care Retreat: Summer 2024 - Connecting more deeply with God

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Our mission of making disciples in the marketplace and beyond is not possible without you.  We would be blessed by your partnership to fund the future and invest in the next generation!  Giving is quick and simple and your gift can be made securely online HERE.

“What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”  2 Timothy 2:2 CSB

 Once again, thank you for your generosity and support! Your willingness to give selflessly is an inspiration to us all.


Sean and Gary

swest@cbmc.com | 913.244.1205

gtenpenny@cbmc.com | 913.219.9064