Trusted Advisor Forum from mediaBrooks on Vimeo.


Trusted Advisor Forums Logo

In a Trusted Advisor Forum, a division of CBMC Leadership Institute and Peer Advisory Groups, our mission is to reach business leaders right where they are and help them to become the leaders that God designed them to be, while building a business of excellence that glorifies God. We are committed to providing one-on-one coaching and guiding Trusted Advisor Forums of 10-14 Senior Business Leaders with a focus on identifying practical solutions in the marketplace, consistent with Biblical principles, guiding one another to best practices and excellent performance. 

Our Distinctives:

  • We focus on the “whole person”
  • We help business leaders live as “Marketplace Ambassadors”
  • We have a Great Commission focus
  • Serving leaders in the marketplace for over 90 years


View the Team Overview to learn more about our Trusted Advisor Forums teams and steps to becoming a member.


Membership Options:

Executive Membership $550/month

  • Includes one 1-hour executive coaching session per month

Traditional Team Membership $250/month

  • Includes two 1-hour executive coaching sessions per year


Get started today and be on your way to building a business of excellence while representing Christ in the marketplace! Follow the links below.




Together let's amplify the transformative power of these forums and extend the reach of God's influence throughout the business world. Consider sharing this invaluable experience with another man. It could be precisely what he's been searching for.

Reach out to us! We would be blessed by the opportunity to come alongside you, collaborate on innovative ideas, and grow together as God designed us, to achieve spiritual maturity and to impact others for Christ. Call, text, or email us.


Sean West

Gary Tenpenny

Why join a Trusted Advisor
Forums group?


Hear from other men how they’re being impacted by TAF groups. Transformation is happening – in their lives, their businesses, and the entire way they approach decision making. They are becoming better equipped as God’s representative in the marketplace.

Refer another leader to take a
TAF team for a test drive!


Men, if you're reaping the benefits of your TAF group, and have experienced the immense value of these profound interactions, who do you know that might want to take a Trusted Advisor Forums group for a test drive? Watch this short video.








“Your heart for men and ministry in the marketplace has had a direct impact on my life. I have been challenged spiritually in my own life and business due to CMBC. The relationships that I have made has completely changed my business and outlook on running a Godly business. As your aware, we have grown our relationship with Rick Betenbough, whom we met through CBMC. Rick has come alongside us to encourage us in our business and show us a new way of operations and marketplace ministry. Also, due to you and our relationship, we have come to know and now hire new team members that we are prayerful we can impact in a Godly way, and they can add value to our team. I am excited to see what God has next as we pursue him, and I am thankful for you and CBMC. It truly is a blessing.”

- Matt Mabe, Partner, Complete LLC


“For many years in my Christian walk, I considered myself a second-class Christian because I had a secular job and was not devoted to full-time ministry. Through the CBMC Leadership Team I am involved in, I have learned that God calls and anoints business men and women to serve Him full time in the secular arena of life. All that God gives us is to be used as a platform to serve and honor Him. In doing so, He can use us, our businesses, and the relationships that are developed along the way for His Kingdom purposes. CBMC is a great educational and connecting resource in developing a Kingdom-focused life.”

- Warren Harshman, President, Harshman Construction


“The Leadership Institute Peer Group has been a monthly highlight! I have met other brothers who are living Christ as they lead their businesses. The friendship is so valuable, the Bible study and prayer enriching, and the host issue discussions are a time for real evaluation and growth.”

- Lamar Eby, Principal, Skyview Enterprises LLC