“Grateful & Blessed”


            Looking at the fresh, white snow of God’s creation, I often reflect on how my life has changed—my relationship with Jesus and what He has done for me—and I’m reminded again that I’ve been cleansed like that pristine snow. This growth and change in my heart has been the result of God’s invisible hand at work in and through His word, Romans 12:1-2. As He renews my mind over time, I become a person of character.

            Being created in God’s image is an awesome thought and also very humbling. But because of the fall, He still has a lot of character building to do in me. It takes time with Him in the Scriptures and allowing the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit to change everything in my heart, mind, and soul so that I can truly be used by Him to carry out the work to which He has called me.

            I’m deeply grateful and blessed by how God has allowed me to partner with Him over the last five years with CBMC. This platform of working with Christian businessmen and helping them get connected with other like-minded men, so they can become the man God created them to be right where he has placed them, is a true joy. When men learn how to go deeper in their relationships with other men by serving them (Mark 10:45), they start to see how God is at work in their lives for Kingdom purposes.

            Equipping men for their daily battles comes in multiple ways through CBMC Leadership Coach Training. Through it they learn to listen more actively by asking open-ended questions. Intentional listening allows them to hear what is on the heart and mind of those they live and work with, which gives them the skill to lead and serve with excellence. Jesus was the model coach, and when we abide in Him and imitate what He did with others, we will be better at all our relationships, including our one-on-one time with God.

            Over the last three years, we have trained nearly 50 men in this 8-week training course. Here are some comments from men who have completed CBMC Leadership Coach Training:


            Chris Mann, President, Roberts Overdoors, Inc.

            “In my Leadership Coach Training I have been studying servant leadership for about a year and how to apply it. My overall leadership is changing my relationships and how I interact within them. I am very excited.


            I would encourage others to participate in CBMC Leadership Coach Training because no matter where you are in your walk, you will have influence over people in your lives. As Christians we are called to encourage and support other Christians and show love to everyone. The skills and the relationships developed in Leadership Coach Training are invaluable and will only enhance the leader God wants you to be.”  Hebrews 10:24-25


            Scott Strahm, Investor/Owner, SKDS Investments, BLI Rentals, Trinity Property Group

            “I desperately need strong Christian brothers to hold me accountable and help me live this life in Christ. The men involved and the curriculum of CBMC is top notch and extremely encouraging to me!  I would highly recommend it to anyone serious about getting traction for God’s kingdom. CBMC Leadership Coach Training has opened up a better paradigm for going deeper in real communication with all, starting with those closest in my life and transcending to others. REAL, DEEP COMMUNICATION.”


            As God continues to grow the ministry into new cities like Wichita, and deepen the roots in Kansas City, Topeka, and Emporia, the need for prayer is evident, for every man who volunteers to spiritually invest in another man. These are men of F-A-I-T-H – Faithful Available Intentional Teachable, and when this is done, it all Honors God. With this as a key to reaching more men for the Kingdom, please be in prayer about who God might be preparing to join us in the battle for the souls of men, their families, and those they lead and serve in the marketplace as ambassadors for Christ. These are men who are “Compelled by the love of Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:14) to help others reconcile with God the Father through a personal and growing, intimate relationship with Jesus. In order for us to reach them and their families in our current cities and future cities, we will need more men who are volunteers—part-time and full-time—of CBMC. Please join with me in prayer for His guidance in identifying other men whom God has called and prepared to do so (Ephesians 2:10).
            I continue to see men stepping up to grow in their spiritual intimacy with Jesus. This happens as men engage one-on-one in a Paul/Timothy relationship through Operation Timothy. Multiplying our lives (2 Timothy 2:2), is the gift of every intentional disciple of Jesus. Who is He calling you to invite on a journey of doing life together? Obedience to the Holy Spirit is the key to continual spiritual growth in our personal lives, and this happens both vertically with God and horizontally with another man. The spiritual value of one man in another man’s life, when they are both focused on the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), is life changing for both men. And when those men each continue the process of reaching another man, spiritual reproduction is in motion. Our goal is to be spiritual reproducers to the third and fourth generations. This is a cornerstone of every disciple maker and of CBMC.


            Dennis Wiley, Chairman, Jayhawk Fire

            “This is the value of CBMC for me. Having another man connect and invest in my life has been life changing. Most of us can think of a person or people in our lives who have made an impact—a coach, teacher, pastor, relative—someone who has “invested” in us. This has come for me from our relationship over the past few years—another man walking alongside me to live and share life together. In our case, it has been a Paul and Timothy-like relationship. You are a few years further down the road than I, and I am able to lean in and share your journey to help guide me in mine. Your wisdom and encouragement has helped me make several key discoveries in my life and led to great breakthroughs in my relationships with others.” 


            Connecting men in our Peer Advisor Groups (PAG’s) through Trusted Advisor Forums (TAF’s) for  business-owners/senior-leaders and with Young Professionals (YP’s), has been life changing for these men. They grow in their ability, knowledge, and the skill of integrating their faith into all areas of their lives, from the marketplace to the home and marriage. These men come together monthly to pray, learn, and grow together as brothers in Christ, to make an impact both at home and work with a Christian Workview perspective. They are equipped to share the gospel and make disciples right where they are with the people they live and work with daily. Praise God! We see the future of CBMC being lived out in these Peer Advisory Groups and are very excited about Young Professionals (YP) as they become next-generation leaders at home and in the marketplace as ambassadors for Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:20)  We have over 600 men in 100 teams involved with CBMC PAG’s around the country. Currently, in KS/KC, we have four PAG teams with over 30 men involved. Please pray as we seek to add teams of new men to Trusted Advisor Forums and Young Professionals. Pray for volunteer members and future part-time and full-time staff to help us grow these teams (Isaiah 60:22).


Below are some comments from men in our Trusted Advisor Forums for business owners and senior leaders:

            Tim Bonnell, Jr., Owner/President, Aeris Insurance Solutions

            “My CBMC Leadership Institute peer advisory team connects me with similar Christ-centered business owners and senior executives who help me grow my business with a kingdom mindset. However, our development is not limited to business. It is invaluable to me as a business owner, having these other leaders encouraging and praying for me as I integrate my faith into all areas of my life.”


            Lamar Eby, Principal, Skyview Enterprises LLC

            “The Leadership Institute Peer Advisory Group has been a monthly highlight! I have met other brothers who are living Christ as they lead their businesses. The friendship is so valuable, the Bible study and prayer enriching, and the host issue discussions are a time for real evaluation and growth.”


            Warren Harshman, President, Harshman Construction

            “For many years in my Christian walk, I considered myself a second-class Christian because I had a secular job and was not devoted to full-time ministry. Through the CBMC Leadership Team I am involved in, I have learned that God calls and anoints businessmen and women to serve Him full-time in the secular areas of life. All that God gives us is to be used as a platform to serve and honor Him. In doing so, He can use us, our businesses, and the relationships that are developed along the way for His Kingdom purposes. CBMC is a great educational and connecting resource in developing a Kingdom-focused life.”


            Matt Mabe, Owner/Partner, Arise Homes

            “I have been challenged spiritually in my own life and business due to CBMC. The relationships that I have made have completely changed our outlook on running a Godly business. Due to our relationship with CBMC, we have met men that have come along side us to encourage us in our business and show us a new way of operations and marketplace ministry. Also due to our CBMC relationship, we have come to know and now hire new team members that we are prayerful we can impact in a Godly way and they can add value to our team. I am excited to see what God has next as we pursue Him and I am thankful for CBMC. It truly is a blessing.”


The following are some comments from CBMCYoung Professionals:

            Alex McCaskill, Engineer, HNTB

            “There is nothing quite like deep fellowship with other Christian men, especially as a young professional. In today's world, it is rare to have deep friendships with other guys, let alone a whole group of them, but this is the very thing I have found in my CBMC YP group. These guys rejoiced with me when I got a promotion and were there for me when my sister went to be with Jesus in November. There is a monetary cost to participation, but the intangible benefits of fellowship and wisdom gained far outweigh that cost. I would encourage any young professional who desires to grow spiritually and develop as a leader to seriously consider participation in a CBMC Young Professional group.”


            Phillip Kelley, Athletes in Action, NFL Chaplains

            “The CBMC YP community is so life-giving. It’s refreshing to know that I have a community of brothers my age and with similar life goals who are striving to advance the Gospel in the marketplace. We came in as strangers. We quickly became friends. We will leave as family. Gary’s commitment to each one of us is model-worthy and honoring. I’m so blessed to call him my Paul.”


In order for us to continue reaching more men with the gospel of Jesus, would you prayerfully consider becoming a monthly financial support partner?  Your prayers and investment into the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), focused on men and their families in the marketplace, will allow us to grow and reach more lives with Jesus’ life-changing message of hope, love, and eternal life for everyone who believes in His name.

                Please join in and allow God to bless you and your family as you invest in the Kingdom building of lives and families for eternity. Your investment of $50-100-150-250-500 or more will prepare us for growth and expanding our reach with the gospel of Christ.

Become an investor with eternal impact today

                Thank you in advance for all you do with your time, talent, touch, and treasures. You are a blessing to me and my family.


All the best,

Gary Tenpenny

2 Timothy 2:2

Proverbs 3:5-6

Click here to read 2018's Ministry Update
