
Are you limiting God...

Yes, again and again they tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.   Psalm 78:41

The possibilities for what the God who created the universe can do through your ordinary life are unimaginable. History brims with astounding accounts of how infinite God used fallible, mistake-prone people to accomplish His heavenly purposes. God used Moses, a shepherd for 40 years to deliver thousands of slaves out of the grasp of the powerful Egyptians. God used Joshua, a former slave, to bring the walls of Jericho tumbling down. God used Elijah to bring fire down from heaven on Mount Carmel in a fiery display of His power before a watching nation. God used Elisha to raise the dead. These were ordinary people who experienced God doing extraordinary things through them. The possibilities of what God could do through us are enormous.

But there is one way in which God’s power in our life is limited. The limits certainly do not lie with God. Satan and his evil hordes, despite their greatest efforts, cannot limit God. Neither can downturns in the economy, layoffs, critics, or unreasonable bosses prevent us from experiencing God’s will for our lives. The only ones who can hinder God’s work in us, is us. We can limit what almighty God does in our lives by our lack of belief.

The Israelites were unbeatable when God was their Champion. But when the Israelites refused to believe Him, they became vulnerable to any enemy that confronted them.

Are you presently experiencing the maximum of what God intends to do through your life? Or, have you inadvertently been limiting God’s work through you?

- BMI Spiritual Leadership Network

Ephesians 2:10 teaches, "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them."

Few people have had the pleasure of establishing a nation, yet God has prepared an important purpose for each of us.

Have you discovered your God-given calling?  Contact me today - I can help.
